Friday, August 31, 2012

Workshop on “International Robotics Challenge (IRC)” conduct by IIT-Bombay

Dear All Friends

The School of Engineering, RK University is glad to inform you about organizing 2 days workshop on “International Robotics Challenge (IRC)” during 7th – 8th Sep 2012.

International Robotics Challenge (IRC), a unique initiative of Techfest provides a universal and common platform for all the Indian as well as International participants to compete and excel. The IRC workshop aims to provide a platform to Indian students to prove their mettle amongst the International teams from 7 other countries. The participants will learn about technologies like Microcontroller Programming on Arduino architecture in this workshop. Along with this, the participants will also be able to build an Autonomous Maze-solving Robot and Manual bot.

The workshop is being conducted by IRC Outreach Partner Robosapiens Technology Pvt. Ltd. This two day workshop will cover various practical activities along with the theoretical concepts covered throughout the sessions. Practical activities will enrich the development of Autonomous Robots using AVR Atmega8 Micro controllers with the help of Robosapiens iBOT Kit in students, Sensors Array interfacing skills of the participants, understanding the various gripping and sliding mechanisms, various nuances of Grid solving techniques. Attending this workshop will drive instincts to deliver in the domain of robotics. Workshop will cover following list of topics:
·         Introduction of Robotics
·         Sensors and Motor Control Using H-Bridge(L293D)

·         Grid Solving Robot with AVR microcontroller

·         Running Grid Solver

·         Exploring Automated Robot Kit

·         Exploring Manual Robot Kit

The brochure of the workshop is enclosed herewith. Kindly circulate it among the students of your institution/departments to have benefits of this workshop programme. We solicit your co-operation and active participation in the workshop.

Thanking you and anticipating your favorable response.

Faculty Coordinator:-
Prof. A. M. Lathigara  9925011422
Student Coordinators:-
1. Chirag V. Kapuria    8460564415                                         
2. Sharon T N              9033985102                                                               
3. Jay Pandat               9722011111                          
4. Parth N Parmar        7405087770

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